Draama 2024

Baltic Drama Forum 2024 gathers Baltic theatre professionals in Tartu!

The Baltic Drama Forum is an annual meeting for Baltic theatre people that has been taking place in a different Baltic country for many many years. In Lithuania, the BDF traditionally takes place during the Sirenos festival, in Latvia during their national theatre showcase, and in Estonia during the DRAAMA festival.

The main goals of the Baltic Drama Forum are to introduce neighbours to new productions and outstanding original plays, develop contacts between theatre-makers from neighbouring countries, and create opportunities for both formal and informal exchange between colleagues from different countries.

This year, the Estonian Theatre Agency invites BDF participants from Latvia and Lithuania to Tartu to enjoy the DRAAMA festival’s program from September 1st to 8th, and to take part the play-reading marathon of the House of Known Unknowns.

The programme also includes a panel discussion on September 4th about new Baltic drama led by professor Anneli Saro from the University of Tartu. The panel consists of the Estonian playwright-dramaturge Paavo Piik, the Latvian playwright Linda Rudene, and the Lithuanian director Uršulė Bartoševičiūtė.

The feedback round for all the guests takes place on September 8th. 

Both events will be held in the House of Known Unknowns (Kastani 1, Tartu).

Photo from the reception of Baltic Drama Forum 2021 in Tartu. Photo by Katrin Ruus