Draama 2024

Divide et impera

Reha/Pilv/Ekspeditsioon/Kanuti Gildi SAAL

Divide et impera foto
Photo: Alana Proosa
      06.09.2023       at 5.30 p.m. (with english translation)
Tartu Student House
      07.09.2023       at 6 p.m.
Tartu Student House

Breathe… Breathe in the fiery air.
Your soul lights up with every breath.
Because we have to….
Suffocate everything that doesn’t burn.
Suffocate the spirit.
Suffocate the joy and sorrow.
We need to destroy the humanity in us.
With fire.
Let’s raise our hands and let the drum beat.
A flash without meaning.
Let it out and breathe it in.
None of us… is important.
Stand up and breathe together.
We have to burn
The spaces between us.
Embrace the sudden flash on our faces.
-       Divide et Impera

We invite you to a meeting, a gathering, a performance, a congress and a salon evening.

“What is it that attracts us to fire? What’s in it that captivates both the old and the young? It’s the perpetual movement which humans have always tried to create but never succeeded. Or almost perpetual movement. When you let a fire burn, then it will burn until the end of our lives. What is fire? It’s a mystery. The scientists talk about friction and molecules. But in reality, they know nothing. The true beauty of fire is that it destroys all responsibility and consequences. If a problem becomes too much, let’s burn it – neatly, quickly and firmly. There are no residues that would later start rotting. Antibiotic, aesthetical and practical.”

Bring only yourselves, you’ll leave without receiving anything.

Jarmo Reha is a freelance director, actor and performance artist. In Estonia, Reha took part of Emer Värk’s performance “You Will See So Many Pretty Things” as a performance artist in Kanuti Gildi SAAL (2019) and in the original performance “WhiteWash” at Vabalava (2020) for which he was nominated for the Estonian theatre performance art award. Reha’s directorial debut was “Omen” (2018) which received the Estonian theatre new dramaturgy award together with dramaturges Aare Pilv and Laur Kaunissaar. Abroad, Reha has collaborated for a long time with the Armel Roussel who resides in Belgium. Together, they created the international solo performance “Elagu elu, mis põletab rinda” (“Long live a life that burns the chest”) (2019) and “Ether/After” (2022) where Reha was the co-author and actor.

“Divide et Impera” (“Divide and conquer”) is Reha’s third directorial endeavour.


Author and director: Jarmo Reha
Cast: Jarmo Reha, Aare Pilv
In the video: Pääru Oja
Stage designer: Maarja Pabunen
Dramaturges: Aare Pilv, Jarmo Reha
Sound designer: Markus Robam
Lighting and video designer: Aleksandr Mirson
Stage manager: Johanna-Elisabeth Tärno
Graphic designer: Allan Appelberg
Photos: Alana Proosa
Producer (Ekspeditsioon): Tiina Savi
Project manager (Kanuti Gildi SAAL): Kaie Küünal
Co-producers: Ekspeditsioon, Kanuti Gildi SAAL

The premiere was held on May 18, 2022 at Kopli 93.

The performance was sponsored by the Estonian Ministry of Culture, Estonian Cultural Endowment, the Culture and Sports department of Tallinn.  

Jarmo Reha – nominee of the best director award 2023.

Jarmo Reha – nominee of the best performance art award 2023.

The performance doesn’t last over two hours.