Draama 2024



Beastesses foto
Photo: Rene Jakobson
       07.09.2023       at 6 p.m. (with english transaltion)
Theatre Hall of the Estonian National Museum
       07.09.2023       at 9 p.m.
Theatre Hall of the Estonian National Museum

A passion with two women and a five-piece band.

“Beastesses” is one Woman’s CV, Curriculum Vitae – the running track of life which stars with her birth and ends with her death, although it could also go the opposite way.

This woman’s running track is a copse-laden path in the forest, a kitchen filled with broken glass, a bedroom overflowing with tenderness, a road to hell paved with good intentions, a never-ending handicraft lesson, a funeral procession, but why not also a four-track stadium where she races against herself.

Mirtel Pohla and Eva Koldits interweave several potential life stories of a woman into their performances. Because where there’s a story, there’s life.

Similarly to Greek tragedies where a choir accompanies the story, the Woman is accompanied on her journey through heaven and hell on earth by a low-sounding band consisting of the top musicians in Estonia.

Authors of the idea: Eva Koldits, Mingo Rajandi
Director: Eva Koldits
Stage designer: Kairi Mändla
Composer, leader of the band and musical director: Mingo Rajandi
Dramaturge: Berit Kaschan
Cast: Eva Koldits, Mirtel Pohla, Mingo Rajandi
Lighting designer: Meelis Lusmägi
Technical production manager: Marti Tärn
Band: Mingo Rajandi (contrabass), Erki Pärnoja (guitar, electronics), Tobias Tammearu (saxophone, electronics), Andres Kaljuste (viola) , Ahto Abner (percussion instruments). 

The premiere was held on February 5, 2023 at the Tallinn Vaba Lava Theatre Centre.

The concert version of the performance will be played on the stage.

The performance lasts for 2 hours.