Draama 2024

The Overcoat

Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences

The Overcoat foto
Photo: Siim Vahur
10.09.2022       at 5 p.m.
Comb Factory’s event centre (Teguri 28a)
11.09.2022       at 2 p.m.
Comb Factory’s event centre (Teguri 28a)
A topical story of a so-called small man turning into a big tyrant. Of how constant pressure and oppression can change a man; of what he can become as he grows in strength; of what a person does when there are no restrictions. Of how our attitude towards people often depends on the uniform or overcoat they wear, on their status and position, not noticing what is actually hidden underneath the garment.
The production speaks about a man betraying himself to appear better and stronger in the eyes of others than he really is.

For adolescents (16+) and adults
The production is understandable regardless of the language.

Author: Nikolai Gogol
Director: Daniil Zandberg (Russian Drama Theatre)
Designer: Rosita Raud
Choreographer: Olga Privis
Lighting Designer: Anton Andrejuk
Composer: Markus Robam
Cast: Anti Kobin, Getter Meresmaa, Jevgeni Moissejenko, Steffi Pähn, Taavi Tõnisson

The premiere was held on 10.04.2022 in the Von Small Hall.

The performance consist of one act without an intermission and lasts for 1 hour and 10 minutes.