Draama 2024


Estonian Drama Theatre 

Mephisto foto
Photo: Gabriela Urm
09.09.2022       at 8 p.m.
The Grand Building of Theatre Vanemuine (Vanemuise 5)
10.09.2022       at 5 p.m.
The Grand Building of Theatre Vanemuine (Vanemuise 5)

The performance is based on Klaus Mann’s novel “Mephisto” which he wrote in 1936 when he had fleed from Germany to the Netherlands after the Nazis came to power.

The protagonist of the novel, Hendrik Höfgen is a great actor who likes to be in the centre of attention. He sings, dances and makes jokes – he’s charming and jolly. He is both a great artist and an incredible showman. Höfgen has just taken on his first big role (Mephistopheles in Goethe’s „Faust“) when national socialists come to power in Germany. He has to choose whether to continue his rising career even if he might have to collaborate with a political power whose views he completely disagrees with or stand by what he believes in which unfortunately will mean that his career will end.  

It’s a very personal story for Klaus Mann because Höfgen’s character is based on Mann’s sister’s husband, one of the greatest German actors of the time, Gustaf Gründgens.  

Based on Mann’s novel, Hungarian director István Szabó directed a film „Mephisto“ in 1981 which won the best International film Oscar the same year.  

Director: Kertu Moppel
Art director: Arthur Arula
Choreographer: Jüri Nael
Lighting designer: Priidu Adlas
Sound designer: Lauri Kaldoja
Video designer: Epp Kubu
Translator: Rita Tasa
Cast: Juhan Ulfsak, Lauri Kaldoja, Hendrik Toompere jr, Teele Pärn, Inga Salurand, Merle Palmiste, Sandra Ashilevi, Indrek Sammul (Tallinn City Theatre) or Gert Raudsep, Guido Kangur, Karmo Nigula, Britta Soll or Hilje Murel, Markus Luik and the boys’ choir Juhanid from the Estonian National Opera (instructors Jaanika Kuusik and Maret Poll).

The premiere was held on February 12, 2021 in the Grand Hall.

The performance consists of one act without an intermission and lasts for 2 hours and 15 minutes.