Draama 2024


Von Krahl Theatre/Ekspeditsioon

Melancholia foto
Photo: Kristiina Praks
06.09.2022       at 8 p.m.
Tartu New Theatre (Lai 37)
07.09.2022       at 4 p.m.
Tartu New Theatre (Lai 37)

A young couple is late for their wedding. They are warmly welcomed and everyone is trying to organise a beautiful and proper wedding. At the same time, a force majeure is approaching Earth. Most of the wedding guests underestimate the danger and continue on as if nothing is happening. Only the bride understands the threat but she can’t – or doesn’t want to – do anything about it.

“Look at people who live in a cave-like structure underground which has a long entrance which lights up one part of the cave. They spend all their time there, limbs and neck in shackles, which means that they cannot move and they can only see what’s in front of them as they can’t turn their heads. There’s a light overheard further away. Do you think they’ve seen anything else of themselves and others besides the shadows cast by the light onto the cave wall?” (Plato) 

The performance is based on Lars von Trier’s film with the same name.  

Director: Juhan Ulfsak
Translator: Katrin Hammer
Art director: Edith Karlson
Composer: Jakob Juhkam
Costume designer: Kärt Ojavee
Ligthing designer: Oliver Kulpsoo, Mihhail Makoshin
Sound technician: Jürgen Reismaa
Props manager and costume designer: Kristiina Praks
Photographer: Kristiina Praks
Co-produced with Ekspeditsioon. 
Cast: Anne Türnpu, Mari Abel, Katariina Tamm, Erki Laur, Rasmus Kaljujärv, Jörgen Liik, Markus Truup.  

The pre-premiere was held on April 12, 2022 with the premieres following on April 13 and 14.

The performance consists of one act without an intermission and lasts for 1 hour and 45 minutes.