Draama 2024


Tartu New Theatre 

LOOD foto
Photo: Gabriela Urm
08.09.2022       at 8 p.m.
Tartu New Theatre (Lai 37)
09.09.2022       at 7.30 p.m.
Tartu New Theatre (Lai 37)

Renate Keerd’s original performance LOOD (the word carries different meanings in Estonian – “stories” and “spirit level”) inspires you to release your inner animal and send them on a trip to the wilderness of the corner of the room. But there’s more.

Renate Keerd’s works have always centred around the human being and the absurdity of life. Unexpected mutations and metamorphoses that act as a reflection of life are an essential part of her creative handwriting. And this performance is no exception. Everything is possible.  

Author, director, art director and music designer: Renate Keerd
Lighting designer: Renate Keerd, Kärt Karro
Poster design: HUUPI
Technical solutions: Epp Peedumäe, Heikki Mändmets, Kärt Karro
Producer: Marie Kliiman
Cast: Elise Metsanurk or Ilo-Ann Saarepera, Andreas Aadel, Ekke Hekles or Hardi Möller, Martin Kork, Jan Ehrenberg (Tallinn City Theatre)

The premiere was held on October 30, 2021 at the Tartu New Theatre.

The performance consist of one act without an intermission and lasts for 1 hour and 30 minutes.