Draama 2024

Iranian Conference


Iranian Conference foto
Photo: Ülar Mändmets
09.09.2022       at 4.30 p.m.
Hurda Hall of the Estonian National Museum (Muuseumi tee 2)
10.09.2022       at 5 p.m.
Hurda Hall of the Estonian National Museum (Muuseumi tee 2)

The performance takes place at a science symposium which is dedicated to the collaboration between “Eastern” and “Western” cultures. In a conference hall at the University of Copenhagen, nine representatives of the intellectual elite take the stage one after another. Despite the conference format and seemingly complex theme, the characters start veering off the prepared presentations into more personal and hidden topics to talk about the most important and eternal theme in our lives – the role of human beings in the world and the meaning of life.

The director Lembit Peterson explains, “The main goal behind bringing this play to the stage is to go deep and explore the so-called Western and Eastern, Christian and Mohammed’s ways of seeing the world, the backgrounds of different religions and cultures and their knowledge and experiences. We wanted to look at the actual values that we’ve built our lives on and what we think form the basis of our lives. And how we understand all that at this very moment. The play gives us an opportunity to create a performance which acts as a mirror and invites our audience to think about these topics, find out new things and look inside themselves. This allows us to gain a better understanding of what’s happening in the world and maybe helps people with different views of the world to find common ground in situations where any dialogue seems impossible.” 

“Iranian Conference” is the third play by Ivan Võrõpajev that Theatrum has staged. The performance was preceded by “Joobnud” (2014) and “Delhi tants” (2015). “Joobnud” which received several awards including the Estonian national culture prize, is being played to this day. 

Auhtor: Ivan Võrõpajev
Translator: Tiit Alte
Director: Lembit Peterson
Art director: Marius Peterson
Lighting designer: Helvin Kaljula
Sound designer: Marius Peterson
Producer: Ere Naat
Cast: Maria Peterson, Lembit Peterson, Kristjan Üksküla, Ott Aardam, Laura Peterson, Andri Luup, Anneli Tuulik, Helvin Kaljula, Tarmo Song, Marius Peterson, Mare Peterson, Tiit Alte, Eva Eensaar.

The premiere was held on February 7, 2022.

The performance consists of two acts with an intermission and lasts for 3 hours and 30 minutes.