Draama 2024

Х ** войне. Ukraine. Letters from the front

Free Stage

Х ** войне. Ukraine. Letters from the front foto
Photo: Siim Vahur
07.09.2022       at 6.30 p.m.
Hurda Hall of the Estonian National Museum (Muuseumi tee 2)
This is a play about war. From what is happening now. About how the war started. What happens to people who are separated by war. This is documentary evidence in letters that friends currently in Ukraine and Russia send to each other every day. The author of the idea is the actor and director Julia Aug. The basic text is her correspondence with friends in bomb shelters in different cities of Ukraine. It is not just a theatrical production, but a living chronicle of what is happening right now, in our time, around us and in our lives.
Author and stage director: Julia Aug
Set designer: Katharina Kuusemets
Video designer: Laura Romanova
Light designer: Priidu Adlas (Eesti Draamateater)
Musical director: Ardo Ran Varres
Translator: Tiit Alte
On stage: Ivo Uukkivi (Eesti Draamateater), Rea Lest, Simeoni Sundja, Loviise Kapper, Harald T. Rosenstrøm (NO)

Premiere was held in 14.04.2022 in the theatre centre of Free Stage Tallinn

Duration 1 hour and 35 minutes.

Performed in Estonian and Russian with English subtitles.