Draama 2024

White Moose

Ugala Theatre

White Moose foto
Foto: Gabriela Urm
       07.09.2021       at 9.15 p.m.
Theater Hall of the Estonian National Museum (English translation)
       08.09.2021       at 7 p.m.
Theater Hall of the Estonian National Museum

A young man and woman move into an old farmhouse in a coastal village. It’s clear from the go that they’re city people. The man is a bit odd – he lives on a nature reserve but carries a gun. But his terse wife is even odder. Why did they come here? To this dump where everyone knows everyone and where life centres around a silently ticking shop and a village pub.

“It’s nice that they came,” says the local constable.
“I don’t think they’re going to stay,” replies the village elder. “Another man arrives with his wife. They arrive and the woman doesn’t know how to be. The man doesn’t know either. They’re used to the city and think that it’s the same in here… they all left. These people will as well.”
“City people are stupid!” summarises the cashier at the shop.
The play that “White Moose” is based on won the 1st prize at the Estonian Theatre Agency’s play competition in 2019.

Cast: Ilo-Ann Saarepera, Marika Palm, Laura Kalle või Marion Tammet (UT VCA), Liisu Krass (guest), Peeter Jürgens, Rait Õunapuu, Vallo Kirs and Tanel Ingi

Author: Piret Jaaks
Director, scenographer and music designer: Andres Noormets
Costume designer: Maarja Viiding
Lighting designer: Villu Konrad

It premiered on 21st November 2020 in the Chamber Hall of Ugala Theatre.

The performance consists of one act and lasts for 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Andres Nooremets – special prize for drama theatre 2021 nominee
Ilo-Ann Saarepera – best leading female award 2021 nominee and best young actor award 2021 laureate
Piret Jaaks – best original dramaturgy award 2021 nominee