Draama 2024


Endla Theatre

Dazlious foto
Foto: Priit Loog
10.09.2021       at 5.30 p.m.
Theatre Hall of the Estonian National Museum (English translation)

ALEX: Are you sad? I understand very well what you’re feeling. I had a son –
LINDA: You don’t know what I’m feeling because you aren’t me.
ALEX: - who died.
LINDA: No one knows what I’m feeling because most of the time even I don’t know what I’m feeling.
ALEX: And I totally get it. Because when I found out that –
LINDA: Do you want to go outside and jump on the trampoline?
ALEX: No. Thank you.
LINDA: We could build a snowman.

“Dazlious” which is based on the Canadian-English film “Snow Cake” from 2006 (director Marc Evans, script by Angela Pell) is a homage to the simple and trivial small moments which change your life. By accident, a man who just got out of jail ends up in an autistic woman’s house in a small town. To both of their surprise, they realise that they can support each other.

The director Johan Elm says, “Dazlious" talks about mourning, letting go and how life inevitably goes on. It’s a story about the value of small moments. Autism is something that turns everyday life upside down and shows you something unforgettable. It shows you that the reflection of light on the wall could be all you needed in that very moment.”

Cast: Jaan Rekkor, Jane Napp, Märt Avandi, Carmen Mikiver, Kleer Maibaum, Volli Käro (as a guest)
Director and dramatist: Johan Elm
Author: Angela Pell
Scenographer: Eugen Tamberg
Music designer: Feliks Kütt
Video designer: Laura Romanova
Lighting designer: Karmen Tellisaar

It premiered on 29th January 2021 in the Barn Hall of Endla Theatre.

The performance consists of two acts and lasts for 2 hours and 20 minutes.