Draama 2024

The Women of Niskavuori

Vanemuine Theatre

The Women of Niskavuori foto
      12.09.2021       at 5.30 p.m.
The Grand Building of Theatre Vanemuine (English translation)

A family saga in two acts

It’s a story about strong women and passionate men, the strength of traditions and the force of the land.

The Niskavuori farm is managed by its old matron and her son is expected to be her successor. But her son falls head over heels in love with an educated city girl who envisions the future of her family completely differently from the old matron of Niskavuori.

A tug-of-war between modern demands and old customs, dreams and obligations, blood and love relations beings. This epic drama describes the choices people face regardless of the historical era they live in. There’s steadfastness that you recognise from the Old Testament, titillating bursts of desire characteristic of short Nordic summers, petty intrigues which were concerted in back rooms and mysterious skiing trips in the woods.

The performance is accompanied by live music. The tangos, polkas and jenkkas are brimming with love and yearning. The old matron fights until the very end without mercy on herself or others, because the future of Niskavuori at stake.

Hella Wuolijoki aka Hella Murrik is an Estonian-born Finnish literary classic whose works often portray strong women. The dramatisation of “Women of Niskavuori” at Vanemuine Theatre is based on two plays from her five-play cycle - “Women of Niskavuori” and “Bread of Niskavuori”.

Cast: Külliki Saldre, Maarja Johanna Mägi, Ragne Pekarev, Priis Starnberg, Riho Kütsar, Merle Jääger, Saara Nüganen, Andres Mähar, Kaarel Pogga, Karol Kuntsel, Oskar Seeman, Ken Rüütel, Mirjam Aavakivi, Saara Kaljujärv, Triin Uusen, Gabriele Eensoo, Veronika Maide, Anabel Ainso, Eliise Virumäe, Merilyn Elge, Lisanna Lajal, Anette Pärn, Kert Krüsban
Author: Hella Woulijoki
Translator: Linda Viiding
Director, dramatist and lyricist: Tiit Palu
Scenographer: Lilja Blumenfeld
Choreographer: Mare Tommingas
Artistic director: Ele Sonn
Lighting designer: Margus Vaigur (Endla Theatre)

It premiered on 13th February 2021 at the Grand Building of Vanemuine Theatre.

The performance has one intermission and lasts for 2 hours and 55 minutes.