Draama 2024

Lehman Brothers

Estonian Drama Theatre

Lehman Brothers foto
Foto: Heikki Leis
      10.09.2021       at 6 p.m.
The Grand Building of Theatre Vanemuine
      11.09.2021       at 2 p.m.
The Grand Building of Theatre Vanemuine (English translation)

This play by Stefano Massini centres around three brothers – Henry, Emanuel and Mayer Lehmann who, one after the other, travelled from German to America in the 1840s and become involved in the business world. In 1850, they established the Lehman Brothers bank.

This epic play follows the career of the Lehman brothers, their tradition-led family life which is characteristic to the Jewish culture and the fate of the bank during half a century on the backdrop of the emergence and rise of the American capitalist economy.

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. became a global financial institution and the fourth largest bank in America. In 2008, Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy which is considered to be the main driver of the global economic crisis that followed.

The author of the three-act “Lehman Trilogy“ (2012), which was initially mean to be a radio play, rewrote the play for the stage. The play premiered on the stage in 2013 first in French translation and then in Milan in Italy. In 2018, the play opened on West End and it reached Broadway this year.

Cast: Mait Malmsten, Guido Kangur, Priit Võigemast
Musicians: Joel Remmel, Heikko Remmel or Mihkel Mälgand, Ahto Abner
Director: Hendrik Toompere jr
Scenographer: Laura Pählapuu
Costume designer: Kärt Ojavee
Lighting designer: Priidu Adlas
Video designer: Alyona Movko
Sound designer: Lauri Kaldoja
Dramatist: Ene Paaver
Choreographer: Üüve-Lydia Toompere
Translator: Margus Alver

It premiered on 9th September 2020 in the Grand Hall of the Estonian Drama Theatre.

The performance has two intermissions and lasts for 4 hours.

Henrik Toompere jr – best director award 2021 nominee
Laura Pählapuu – best scenographer award 2021 nominee
Priit Võigemats – best leading male award 2021 nominee
Lauri Kaldoja, Joel Remmel, Heikko Remmel and Ahto Abner – best music design award 2021 nominee