Draama 2024

I Don't Believe

Von Krahl Theatre/Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre

I Don't Believe foto
Photos by Kristiina Praks
1th September, 2024 at 7 p.m.
Theatre Hall of the Estonian National Museum
2th September, 2024 at 6 p.m.
Theatre Hall of the Estonian National Museum (English translation)
“Damned be the day when I was born!” I cried in agony. “May the creator be damned! Why did you create such an awful monster that made you all turn away from me in disgust? God made human beings pretty and attractive after his own face out of pity but he shaped my filthy demeanour on human beings and this similarity made me even more horrible,“ complained Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s story which carries the same name.

On one foggy afternoon, bright-eyed theatre students gathered at a sacred house on Toompea hill where the different rooms are adorned with 17 pictures, busts and bas-reliefs of Voldemar Panso to meet an extravagant director who was going to end their theatre school career with a dazzling diploma performance. But the aforementioned aging director
was not having the best day and said grumpily, “You haven’t even done any classics.“ He fished out works by Chekov, Shakespeare, Strindberg, Williams, Albee, Kitzberg, etc from his greasy director’s briefcase. He also fished out teachings of how to be human from different Russian theatre gurus which were written 100 years ago and a few confusing essays by Taavi Eelmaa. The room filled with dust and you could hear sighs of
disappointment. The diligent young students opened the weathered folders, looked at it all and realised, “We are in deep shit!“

You can see how we all dealt with this situation at Telliskivi Centre from April 13 onwards. In a building which we have called Von Krahl Theatre for this occasion.

The performance is a collaboration between Von Krahl Theatre and the EMTA theatre department.

Director: Juhan Ulfsak
Dramaturgy: Eero Epner
Stage designer: Anita Kremm
Costume designer: Kärt Hammer
Music consultant: Jakob Juhkam

Cast: students of the XXXIth class of the theatre department of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Emili Rohumaa, Richard Ester, Hanna Jaanovits, Laurits Muru, Kristina Preimann, Karl Birnbaum, Juhan Soon, Hele Palumaa, Herman Pihlak, Astra Irene Susi, Edgar Vunš, Kristin Prits ja Markus Andreas Auling

The premiere took place on April 13, 2024 at Von Krahl Theatre (Telliskivi 60a/9).

The performance lasts for 1 hour and 55 minutes.