Draama 2024

Choose a Better Version

Vaba Lava, Kyiv’s Theater of Playwrights

Choose a Better Version foto
Photos by Ilja Smirnov
7th September, 2024 at 4 p.m.
Theatre Hall of the Estonian National Museum

The play was created in cooperation with the Kyiv Dramaturgs Theater, directed by Valters Sīlis, the new artistic director of the Liepaja Theater, who worked with four Ukrainian actors in both Kyiv and Narva.

“If you are here and listening to this meditation, this means that the universe has brought you to the right place. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes, feel how your feet touch the ground. The ground that is powerful and fertile Ukraine. These feet wish to stand in a world where there is no…”

The me you once knew is gone. The you I once knew is also gone. 

They tell me that I should write my experience down. 

No one needs this experience.

Author: Natalka Blok (UKR)
Director: Valters Silis (LV)
Stage designer: Ugis Berzins (LV)
Video designer: Laura Romanova
Lightning designer: Märt Sell
Producers: Vasyl Bilous (UKR) / Märt Meos (EST)
Performers: Наталка Кобізька, Антоніна Хижняк, Тіщенко Костянтин ja Григорий Бакланов

The performance lasts for 1 hour and 35 minutes without intermission.

In Ukrainian with English and Estonian translation.

Trigger warning:
this play contains loud noises, smoke, guns and cursing.